RA Summer Exhibition

My Top Picks of this years Summer Exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts, a veritable feast of paintings, prints, sculpture and installations. Given that I have a painting in the show I have been round the exhibition several times now, and each time I seem to find something new, so I will probably keep on adding to this little collection, but for now here are my favourites (in alphabetical order)…an eclectic mix, I’m sure you’ll agree, but then that is the very nature of the Summer Exhibition, everything including the kitchen sink. And excuse the imagery, reflections and odd angles on high-up paintings can make it quite tricky to get a decent shot!

  1. ALICE MARA ‘New Home (The Caravan)’, printed ceramic, 2. ALLAN MARTIN ‘These Dark Woods’, oil, 3. AMANDA EWBANK ‘Alex’, drypoint etching, 4. ANNA DICKERSON ‘The Conservator, Toad Dynasty’, oil

  1. CAROLINA MAZZALARI ‘Island B’, cotton and silk on linen, 2. CARRIE JEAN GOLDSMITH ‘Condition’, mixed media, 3. CATRIONA COULTER ‘Aqaurius’, cyanotype, CHARLOTTE VERITY ‘CV 2 06’, watercolour monotype

  1. CHRISTIE BIRD ‘Summer Fruit Bowl’, acrylic on cardboard, 2. CORNELIA PARKER ‘Seeing Red (for the very last time)’, archival print, 3. DAVID O'MALLEY ‘Wind Wielded’, oil, 4. DAVINA JACKSON ‘Everyday Gardening’, acrylic, ink and gouache on book cover

  1. EMILIE PUGH ‘Anthropic System’, shiramine paper, 2. EREZ SOLO RIMON ‘Same Sky’, hand knitting, 3. EVER GRAINGER ‘Cairn : Seaworn Concrete’, 4. GREGOR SMITH ‘Passing Lismore’, etching

  1. IRIS SCHOMAKER ‘Last Snow I’, watercolour and oil, 2. ISOBEL CHURCH ‘Dunes’, thread and ink on canvas, 3. JO DE PEAR ‘Sea Fan II’, wood cut, 4. JOHN NEWLING ‘From My Garden’, acrylic and copper gilding

  1. KEISUKE AZUMA ‘Unforeseen’, oil, 2. KIT YAN CHONG ‘The Sea triptych’, graphite, 3. KYRIAKOS TSOLAKIS ARCHITECTS ‘Troodos Star Observatory’, 4. LIZ HARRINGTON ‘Cloud Study’, cyanotype

  1. LOUISA LONGSTAFF-SCALES ‘A Bird From Years Ago’, oil and acrylic, 2. LUCY BAINBRIDGE ‘Wandering Light’, screenprint, 3. MARTIN GAYFORD ‘The Gossipers’, graphite, 4. NORMAN ACKROYD RA ‘On Burra Firth’, etching

  1. PHILIP COLE ‘Desist’, polyester resin on birch, 2. REBECCA SALTER RA ‘Untitled JC05’, mixed media on japanese paper, 3. RORY PROUT ‘South Downs Trail 1+2’, ash and resin, 4. SALVATORE FIORELLI ‘Barnsbury Sq’, oil on linen

  1. SAM HODGE ‘Exchange’, coal dust on monoprint, 2. SUSIE DALTON ‘Flare’, cyanotype on porcelain tile, 3. SUZANNE SNOW ‘Bleached’, paper and watercolour, 4. TERESA LAWLER ‘The House Beyond the Water’, gouache watercolour and ink

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Estila interview

